Préparer les boursiers Wonderful à leur carrière tout en restant à l'université

Notre site Wonderful Internship Program place les étudiants dans des environnements de travail réels.

Chaque été, plus de 70 étudiants participent à un programme de stage d'été de six semaines à l'adresse Wonderful. Les stagiaires rejoignent une unité commerciale de Wonderful et acquièrent une expérience internationale précieuse, ce qui leur permet d'être des candidats plus compétitifs lorsqu'ils entreront sur le marché du travail. Grâce à ce programme, plus de 80 % des stagiaires obtiennent un emploi après l'obtention de leur diplôme.

Les unités opérationnelles participantes sont Wonderful Citrus , Wonderful Orchards , POM Wonderful , Wonderful Pistachios & Almonds , et The Wonderful Company . Au sein de The Wonderful Company , diverses équipes ont été impliquées, notamment celles des affaires gouvernementales, Corporate Social Responsibility, Wonderful Education, Lost Hills Park, et bien d'autres encore.  

Pleins feux sur les stagiaires :

Andrea is an Ag Prep scholar from Avenal who majored in human development and minored in Chicano studies at UC Davis. She was a human resources intern at Wonderful Pistachios & Almonds, an experience that she said exceeded her expectations. She later returned to work for Wonderful Pistachios & Almonds on the research and development team.

My communication skills were something I always wanted to work on, and this internship allowed me to do that and boost my skills in a short amount of time.


Ag Prep érudit

Ivan is an Ag Prep scholar who graduated from UC Davis with a major in civil engineering and minor in construction management. He interned with the beverage production team at POM Wonderful.

Since many skills are not taught in school, it makes internships another excellent way to expand our skill sets. After college, I would like to return to the Central Valley and explore more opportunities with The Wonderful Company.


Ag Prep érudit

Zeidi is an Ag Prep scholar who majored in plant science at Fresno State who interned with the POM Wonderful safety department. She also returned to work for Wonderful as a college transition coach.

I have always enjoyed a challenge. I do not see many women in the agriculture industry and want to be part of something important that can make the world a better place, one plant at a time!


Ag Prep érudit

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