To better support the health needs of employees and community members in Fiji, the FIJI Water Foundation launched three new initiatives centered on educating and equipping participants with the resources and tools to lead healthier lives.
Initiative #1: Food Safety & Processing Trainings
Partnering with renowned Fijian chef Sera Weliweli Smith, the FWF hosted two trainings in Tikina Naiyalayala focusing on food safety and food processing. In total, 119 participants took part in the food safety training, where they learned about best practices in food preparation, minimizing waste and maximizing health benefits. The session also provided participants with innovative cooking techniques to encourage healthier dietary choices and reduce reliance on processed foods. The food processing training focused on the use of a new solar dryer, provided by FWF, to teach the women of Tikina Naiyalayala how to process seasonal crops, such as mangoes, cassava, and bananas, into shelf-stable products like fruit leather and flour, reducing food waste and providing economic opportunities.
Initiative #2: Healthy Subsidized Meals
FWF launched a successful two-week trial program of healthy subsidized meals by partnering with women from Tikina Naiyalayala to sell food packs to FIJI Water plant staff at a subsidized rate of FJ$7. The women sold 284 packs, which showcased locally sourced healthy ingredients. This initiative not only reinforced the community’s commitment to promoting nutritious eating but also fostered a sense of entrepreneurship among the local villagers.
Initiative #3: Fresh Produce Distribution With Fiji H&W Team
With the arrival of a health coach to support employees’ well-being across the FIJI Water business, FWF assisted the Health & Wellness team by funding a fresh produce distribution with the goal of incentivizing participants to enroll in a health coaching session. This is part of a larger effort to address pre-diabetic conditions among employees and support them in building healthy habits for long-term well-being. By providing these fresh produce packs, the FWF hopes to empower individuals to make healthier dietary choices and enhance their overall well-being.
These efforts not only address immediate health needs but also build long-term resilience within the community, paving the way for a healthier future. The FWF’s commitment to partnering with local communities underscores its role in nurturing thriving communities, ultimately benefiting both employees and community members alike.